Accessibility Services by Nick
You may know me from my Genesis Explained series or my development work, but did you know I offer accessibility services?
I love accessibility
The great thing about the digital world is that we can remove all the barriers. I started learning how to make sites accessible because I believe everyone deserves access, but in 2021, my daughter was severely disabled, and this only served to increase my passion for accessibility.
Accessibility Increases Userbase
If your site is accessible, 20-25% of the population will be able to use your site. That’s a huge potential increase!
Accessibility is for everyone
An accessible site improves the user experience of all users. Someone viewing your site in bright sunlight on their phone can see it with proper contrast.
Accessibility Improves SEO
From good alt text and better headings to proper markup and better lighthouse scores, accessibility can help your page rank.
Current Accessibility Services
I’m here to help you reach your goals through accessibility. I recognize folks have different budgets, so I’ve built some service packages to help.
Micro Audit
- Automated Testing
- Manual Testing
- Up to 3 pages
- Detailed report
- One browser
- Desktop only
Discovery Audit
- Includes a micro audit
- Comprehensive list of site content
- Comprehensive list of site components
- Detailed audit plan
- One-page detailed audit
Testimonials Needed
I have been working in accessibility for years but have not offered direct services, so I’m providing steep discounts for the first few customers. I aim to make the world more accessible and want to partner with you to help make that dream a reality.
My first five micro audits will receive a 66% discount.
My first three discovery audits will receive a 75% discount.